Statistics about the amount of saved food

You are right. I’m using Polish version of Karrot and this sentence has been translated to something like: “Amount of food you saved (in kg)” which doesn’t indicate it should be a total for the whole pickup. The translation has introduced confusion here, however, I still favour the option to put weight of the food each person saved not a total amount :slight_smile:

Makes sense. I agree.

I agree 100%!

I totally agree and now I actually don’t know what we should do in Warsaw. Since always we have been underestimating what we’re saving. Well, bad, but cannot be changed. What should we do not? Should we tell everyone that it works differently than we thought??? Or rather just wait until it works as we always thought it is? Going back and forth will be difficult - any change takes a lot of time to get used to it. What do you think? It of course depends on how long this would be.

Hard to say. Maybe really just wait?

I think rather software should change than people. So we just need more people to change the software :wink:

An interesting and hopefully not a complex request was raised by one Foodsaver in Warsaw group. It consists in adding a day of the week to the date of the feedback, e.g. instead of: Apr 24, 2019, 9:45 PM let’s make it: Wed, Apr 24, 2019, 9:45 PM. This simple change should allow everyone to see if there is any tendency in the amount of food we have been picking up in a given store. If there are some regularities, e.g. a lot of kilos on weekends and not so many on weekdays, it will be a valuable information for everyone before signing up for a pickup. Some Foodsavers have means to pick up any amount of food, while others may be limited to small pickups. When they know what they can expect on a given day of the week, they can make wiser choices.

Let me know what you think.


Sounds good, I changed it. Will be released in the next days!

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Great Work! Thanks to all of you frequently improving karrots.

Don’t make the feedback too complicated.
It is clear, that

  • in case of one person is picking up: total amount is stated by that person.
  • in case of more than one person is pickung up togehter it depends:
    – total amount is stated by one person, if all staff goes to that person;
    – every person of a pickup is stating own amount, if the staff is shared.
    (The above version is the most logical and practical one, because those persons taking away the stuff are knowing best, how much and what it was. And with this system we will have an idea which amount of goods the individual foodsaver has picked up.)

It would be great, if we can also get an “annual -total” of the amount per shop.
It would be great too, if we may get an total amount per foodsaver.

Thanks a lot again to all of you!!!

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Please remember that currently if two people give feedback, Karrot assumes both are for the total amount and it gets averaged:

I also prefer the logic when each foodsaver comments on their own amount not on the total :slight_smile:

I have it on my list to change this behavior; will notify you in here when I started working on it!

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It’s not that evident, since foodsaving groups can be quite different. In our case for example there are many pickups (most actually) which we do together, take all the stuff to a sharing place, first share among food savers and leave the rest at the sharing place. So what to make of all the food saved and that is not taken by the foodsavers, but left to share somewhere? Sometimes it’s more than what foodsavers themselves will take home.

That is the reason why I prefer the current system of people estimating the total amount and Karrot making an average. This contemplates both use cases where pickups can be done by a single person and they take all or by many people and they take all or leave at a sharing spot.

The current system doesn’t help in a situation when many people don’t go to the sharing spot together and the simply don’t know what is the total amount. In the new one, when amount entered by each Foodsaver is summed and not averaged, you can still agree who enters the amount which is left at a sharing spot.

That is probably again the case of foodsaving groups working differently. When people save the food at a store here they will always see the total amount of food saved and can guess on that, even if they don’t go all the way to the sharing spot.

There is definitely not a one-size-fits-all solution for this feature, so I think we need to continue to investigate more the different realities of the groups using Karrot before changing the feature.

Not really. Sometimes there is so much food that it’s not really possible to assess the total. And we rather not guess the amount of saved food but either weigh it or estimate it, for example, by knowing the average weight of the item and multiplying it by its count. We don’t do it during the pickup though which has to be done quickly but later when we take food home to pack it into portions ready to be left at a sharing spot. That’s why each Foodsaver cannot take responsibility for the total amount because they don’t know total amount. We want to keep stats reliable and we don’t want our users to just guess what the total amount should be.

In your case, when each Foodsaver is able to assess total amount, why couldn’t they assess the amount they are carrying? Total will be a sum of individual assessments. It’s not that different than an average of individual assessments.

I assume you’re speaking for your group. In our case we actually do an assessment even if it’s hundreds of kilos, by multiplying the number of banana-boxes (the standard we use in transporting in many cases) by 10 kg, or just by a simple visual assessment. That is obviously inaccurate and a gross estimation, but it’s not our concern (and I believe most of the groups) to spend time weighing things properly.

Usually the people who do use the feature, which are a minority here, are the ones with a bit more experience and feeling more confident about guessing the total amount.

Because many times they do the collection and transportation of the food together and it does not make sense to think only of the amount they are individually carrying. We could say then that people would input the amount of food they got to themselves, that is, what they brought home with them. That’s another measurement. The feature could be changed and used to estimate that, but then it should be clear and then our group (and maybe other groups that leave considerable amounts at sharing spots) would have to decide on one person who reports their personal share plus the amount of food left in sharing spots.

If you are not really interested in having reliable stats, why does it matter to you how this feature works? :slight_smile: In our group 99% of pickups have quite detailed feedback with quite detailed weights. That’s why I’m insisting on not spoiling our evaluations by averaging the amounts.

This is hardly the purpose of this feature. We want to keep record of saved food, not food taken home.

Maybe one person can give feedback with total amount then? If not many users in your group use this feature, it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?

to mzpawlowshi: I share your opinion completely!

E.g. for us (EfA - in Germany) the feetback feature, with detaild and realistic amounts for each shop and each foodsaver, is crucial and we use it all the time.

Especially if so many foodsaving groups are working in a different manner
an algorithm to built an everage or what ever will confuse people, would make the system less detailed and correct but more complicated.

In our group we often pickup the staff with several persons and in most cases, about 90% will be carried e.g. to varous Kindergarden and so on. Only about 10% is for private use.

For example 3 foodaver are picking up the total amount of about 50 kg net weight of goods (excluding the rubish) in one market.
1 foodsaver is carrying 45 kg fruits and vegetable for Kindergarden No1,
1 is taking 5 kg chocolate for Kindergarden No2, the other foodsaver helped but carried 0 kg.
We would prefere, if everyone can state the real amount and may give comments.
Statistic should show 50 kg as tolal amount, and nothing else (not a total of 25kg and not a total of 15kg fruit-vege-late).

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Oh, what a heated discussion! I’d like to take a step back and would be interested why the pickup weight is useful and/or important to you. That would help me a lot to implement good statistics :smiley:

Why the pickup weight is important for us:

Pickup weights are quite importtant for us,
because we report exactly

  • how much and what we received from each market in total,
  • how much and what everyone of us has taken,
  • and how much and what we have given to each institution.

Since we are a registered non-profit organisation we are obliged to report that we spend most of the stuff we received.
A well working statistic-tool in karrot is the best instrument to proof our obligations.

I’m definitely not making a big deal of how the feature should be and how statistics should be collected, but I’m making a big deal of the following points:

  • Not every group works the same and we should take that into account when designing and changing this feature. Maybe we should ask for more input from other groups? If most groups would like amounts to be set individually then I see no problem; But, more importantly:
  • If you don’t get the semantics correctly, there’s no point in having this feature if people are not understanding and using it accordingly. It became clear that people were misled by some bad translation, and if the feature changes it should be clear on what exactly it is asking for when you set an amount and how it calculates. If changed, it should state “How much food did you individually carry home or to a sharing spot?”. That should do the work fine in groups where you require foodsavers to always give feedback (since one feedback missing might already affect considerably the outcome) and not so much on groups that like to use this feature just to have a rough estimate.

There are no explanations for the user in karrots.
The use is intuitive.
Therefore the rule for every feature should be “what you see is what you get”.

If every person of the pickup-team is asked for feedback by the system and all feedbacks of the members of a pickup-team are shown, the user must assume, that his feedback will be used “pure”, without any hidden or additional algorithm.

I guess the phrase @bruno is refering to is this one:
The German version is equally clear stating ‘Menge des insgesamt geretteten Essens’, whereas the Polish version indicates that it’s just about the amount that you yourself saved. Just for context…

(And I’d like to point out that intuition works differently from one person to the other. The use of this feature is the perfect example to illustrate that imho… :wink: )

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