Adding URL field to Places

User story:

As a user adding new Places to Karrot I want to attach a URL to a website of said Place.


Should be pretty easy. You might want to add the ability for multiple URLs with a corresponding attribute (website, RSS feed, social media, etc…) to a place.

You could also enable automated polling in of Events at that place if the URL is RSS or ActivityPub.

I’m trying to understand use case. Is it kind of a share button for the place, towards anyone who is not part of the Karrot group?

It makes a lot of sense to me. We’ve talked about it before in the context of foodsaving groups that have their sharing point. A public page with info about the place would be really useful in my group, for instance, to keep people updated about opening hours for example.

The complexity is much bigger however, since places are currently restricted to group members only.

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@bruno the goal is to simple have a bit more structured data (a URL) about a place, which can be used to inform, connect, and ideally pull in data (if possible) from that URL.

The goal is reducing data input friction about places and allowing for more cross connection to “Places” which have their own websites. If someones garage is a pickup point it probably won’t have a website, if a pickup point is co-operative bike shop or community space there’s a good chance it will have a website.