Foodsaving Website in Sweden

Things are happening at a much faster pace here in Gothenburg, with more cooperating stores to come and people writing to us interested in starting a foodsaving community or a share point in their own city. Usually I have to look up stuff that I wrote or documented in different places, so I wanted to start a Swedish version of, not only with the basic information translated to Swedish but also with more specific and contextual info. That would make it easier to promote the concept of food saving and sharing.

My idea is to clone the layout of to a Swedish domain, reference it as the Swedish branch of Foodsaving Worldwide, and start including the more specific information relevant to the Swedish context.

I have some stuff written already but I’d really appreciate to collaborate with people from other cities and work together on some general advices and information. Would you @Teddy or anyone else in Östersund be interested? What about Lund, @alby? I’m also inviting people from Borås, not sure if they’re here…

Also a question for the owners of Could we just copy your website, to have a template to start with? (And I really like the fonts and icons) :wink:

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That’s a great idea!
We have also had several requests from people who want to start FS elsewhere in sweden and i really think it would be good to have a collection of swedish information.
Do you have contact with people from Boras?

The only thing i’m wondering is, if we can’t just have swedish articles here under the category “svenska”?
On the one hand it’s nice to have something fully in swedish, otherwise i also like theworldwide connection that happens here, and if we have yet another forum, it might be lost a little?

Well anyway I’d be on board and I guess some others from Östersund as well.


Nice to hear! Let’s take advantage of the momentum!

My proposal is only to organize the information on a nice looking website, similar to, and definitely we should use this existing forum to be linked there.

I’ve invited to this thread two of the active people I know from Borås.

There’s already some nice material here, I’ll be adding some stuff to and if you have more material, put it up here.

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That sounds great! :smiley:
Let me answer some of your questions:

  • the code of the original website is here, please feel free to use it as base
  • the font we use for headers is Cabin Sketch
  • the pictures are mostly from foodsharing Germany and Switzerland and are credited on the about page. You could use them in the same way, if you want.

I think it’s a good idea to have something like a shiny Swedish welcome page for foodsaving topics. Just like, it could then link to all other relevant places like this forum, Karrot and pages with specific Swedish significance.
Looking forward to seeing it online! :blush:

Are you planning to put it on, @bruno?

Thanks for sharing, Janina!

I’m thinking we could have similar topics as the world page, such as:

  • Getting started, with all the practical info one needs and access to different materials they can use, including
    • legal circumstances
    • cooperations - contacting stores
    • building community
    • raising awareness
    • organization with Karrot
    • materials and templates to be used
  • Link to the forum
  • An updated map with all the foodsaving initiatives in Sweden and contact info
  • Maybe a team/about page as well

I acquired the Swedish equivalent, which would be


moved recently to Stockholm for an indefinte span of time. Before was an active foodsaver in Germany. Plan to connect with likewise
and start with few cooperations. Does anyone has any contact in Stockholm?


Hi Dada, I missed your message here. I don’t know about other people interested in foodsaving there, but we in Gothenburg have a contact with the headquarters of Hemköp in Stockholm and they were positive to recommend cooperation with us here. I’m hoping we can use this contact in the near future to activate other groups in other cities. Have you found any interesting initative in Sthlm or people who want to start one?

Hi everyone!

I’m just finishing the first draft of the website, there are a few sections left to write and change some design. You can see it on . When ready it will be at

I’d like to make a call for contribution, especially from other groups not based in Gothenburg, to check the content (we probably have difference experiences, so the recommendations can be improved if built upon different experiences) and/or add stuff. You’re also very welcome to send me material like links or pictures!

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Hejsan hejsan!

I am sorry for not being with you from the beginning, I must have ignored and then forgotten about this (…) but we in Borås fully support the idea to have all the Sweden-related information in one place. Good job!

I thought I could actually make a small contribution and write a short text about our experience in Borås, I can send it to you some day Bruno.

I realize that the page is probably not complete yet but is there going to be some organized information when it comes to juridiska frågor? Or maybe there is but I couldn’t find it?

I also think it would be kinda nice if it was somewhat more visible on the website where in Sweden foodsharing actually exists - because now the information is to be found under Fördjupning. Maybe we can be more clear about this, something like ‘today foodsharing already takes place in Gothenburg, Östersund, Borås, etc. - here you can learn about their experiences as well as get useful information in case you consider starting your own foodsharing group’.



Great to hear from you Danute! We’re planning to launch the website latest on Tuesday, but of course it should be continuously updated, so contributions are always welcome!

Please do! I believe the best place to publish would be at and then link it on the maträddning’s website. And then we could also link it on Solikyl’s channels if you wish.

Yes! It’s the missing page on the menu, left to be done. If you have some good info about that please send it to me! I can send you the first draft as soon as it’s ready.

Definitely! I was thinking about a map on the home page. But I’m unsure on how to go about it technically. Any suggestions @djahnie @tiltec? I could embed umap, but maybe there are better solutions for Grav?
Anyhow it is mostly a matter of where to place the information. Mainly at the “starta din grupp” page? Or maybe a page for itself under starta din grupp?

It should be quite easy to add a Openstreetmap layer with markers on it, by using Leaflet. Here are some plugins, didn’t try them myself tho:

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I would just have made the map and then put it up as a picture if i was trying to do that, but its years since i used GIS so i couldnt really do it.

Then if a new initiative starts you just make a new map(change in the GIS-fil, and make a new whatever it was calledpicture-fil) and change the picture on the website.

Hi Dada,

Are you still in Stockholm? There are three people - two Germans and myself interested in starting a group here in Stockholm. We are planning to meet again next Tuesday evening, 27th of August. Would you like to join?


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